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foot pain Archives - Southern Podiatry

Osteoarthritis in the lower limb- what you KNEE’D to know!

By | injury | No Comments

Podiatrists don’t just specialise in the foot. WE ARE EXPERTS in assessing lower limb biomechanics of the hip, knee and ankle as well! And this is relevant when considering knee arthritis.

Copyright: amaviael / 123RF Stock Photo

# 45606557 – runner knee injury and pain

The body and in particular the leg, is a kinetic chain. Its all connected and linked. When an injury or limitation occurs in one joint, we will see compensations throughout the rest of the kinetic chain.

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Ingrown Toenail surgery

By | AUT Podiatry, Foot and Lower leg Pain, injury, Southern Podiatry | No Comments

Ouch- Are you suffering in silence with ingrown toenails?

Did you know that Podiatrists perform surgery for Ingrown Toenails and Verrucae procedures? And we love it!

Ingrown toenails are common in the podiatry clinic. Our preferred option initially is always to treat it conservatively and minimise pain but surgery is another treatment plan routinely offered. Conservative measures include; Read More