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What to do about Verruca?

By | injury | No Comments

They are pesky little things aren’t they? If you have ever wondered what they are and how to treat them, then here is some information for you.

Verruca or verrucae are a viral wart caused by an infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). A wart is very prominent and sticks out, whereas a verruca tends to become depressed into the foot as it is on a weight bearing surface.

A verruca tends to have a rough feel on the surface of the skin, may have an irregular shape and may have pinpoint blood vessels throughout the lesion. There are many different categories of verruca- some are a single lesion, others may be in a group. We have included the DermNetNZ link for more information for you. https://dermnetnz.org/topics/viral-wart

When treating verruca, we need to activate the immune response. There are several methods that the Podiatrist will discuss with you.

Spirularin Verrucae Serum is our most gentle approach and works extremely well for children and pregnant women. You can locate more information about this product here.

Another option is the Falknor’s Needling Method. It is a surgical method and the needling technique works by stimulating the body’s immune system to clear the infected viral cells. Because the virus is confined to the top layer of the skin (epidermis), the bodies immune system may not have detected it. We try to push the virus material further into the skin to generate an inflammatory response and kickstart your immune system. The method uses a very thin needle to repeatedly puncture the wart.  Over the following week, the plantar wart undergoes a natural deterioration before ultimately disappearing.

The benefits of dry needling include:

  • Only one session usually required, unlike cryotherapy, silver nitrate or salicylic acid which requires multiple visits
  • It is performed using local anaesthetic
  • The procedure is completed simply in-clinic
  • No need to take any additional time off work/school
  • We monitor your progress to ensure good healing
  • The reported success rates of dry needling are around 70%, compared to standard cryotherapy which is around 15%

As stated above, Local Anaesthetic will be administered to numb the region. Please discuss with your podiatrist if you wish to consider this option.


Osteoarthritis in the lower limb- what you KNEE’D to know!

By | injury | No Comments

Podiatrists don’t just specialise in the foot. WE ARE EXPERTS in assessing lower limb biomechanics of the hip, knee and ankle as well! And this is relevant when considering knee arthritis.

Copyright: amaviael / 123RF Stock Photo

# 45606557 – runner knee injury and pain

The body and in particular the leg, is a kinetic chain. Its all connected and linked. When an injury or limitation occurs in one joint, we will see compensations throughout the rest of the kinetic chain.

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What are your fitness goals? A foot health check may be needed first.

By | injury, Southern Podiatry, sport | No Comments

As I welcome May this year, I reflect on the last four months and my goals. The peaks I’ve climbed, the fish I’ve caught, and of course the people I’ve met. It’s been a great opportunity commencing work at Southern Podiatry and exploring the local country side of the Franklin region.

Easter have come and gone and we are now in May. It is a great time of the year to make goals and start a new routine. A foot health check may be required to help you achieve these goals.

  • What fitness goals would you like to achieve?
  • Do you have foot or leg pain that you wish to resolve?
  • Do you have an old injury that is still playing up?

If you’ve never been to a Podiatrist and you are unsure what to expect please read on… Read More

The injured athlete and nutrition- Georgia investigates.

By | Foot and Lower leg Pain, injury, sport | No Comments

As we put our clocks back 1 hour, we prepare ourselves for the impending Autumn. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. The silver lining to this time of year is the start of winter sports such as netball, rugby and soccer. Athletes young and old take to the outdoors in rain, hail or shine to compete for that winning feeling. Speed, slippery surfaces and a team’s drive to win can also lead to nasty injuries. Even the best in the business get hurt, so what should you do if you do get inured? See your Podiatrist ASAP of course!

The Injured Athlete: How Nutrition Can Improve Recovery

sports-shoe-muddy-foot I attended a seminar with the Auckland branch of Sports Medicine NZ for an evening where practitioners shared their “Clinical Pearls”. Read More

Ingrown Toenail surgery

By | AUT Podiatry, Foot and Lower leg Pain, injury, Southern Podiatry | No Comments

Ouch- Are you suffering in silence with ingrown toenails?

Did you know that Podiatrists perform surgery for Ingrown Toenails and Verrucae procedures? And we love it!

Ingrown toenails are common in the podiatry clinic. Our preferred option initially is always to treat it conservatively and minimise pain but surgery is another treatment plan routinely offered. Conservative measures include; Read More